Monday, March 8, 2010

I don't have to be hit over the head with a 2x4 more than a few times to get a point

So, back in November, I mentioned how it had been a long time since my last post. Then I don't post anything for another five months.

I like the idea of blogging in the abstract, but it is becoming apparent to me that I don't really have a burning need to share what I think with the anonymous world at large. I know a few of you read this and I appreciate you comments, but I think to be effective a blog has to be updated pretty regularly and I don't seem to have the drive to do that. It's not that I don't think profound thoughts or see or hear about things worthy of commenting; it just seems that for some reason I'm not driven to write about it. One thing I hear about writers is that they HAVE to write. Just having the skills is only half the package when it comes to being a writer. And blogging is writing, albeit not at the Great American Novel level.

Also, I think that maybe "whatever's going on in my mind" is not sufficiently focused for an effective blog. I'm thinking of starting a new blog that will be just about music---I follow a number of music-related forums and I see certain issues come up fairly often, regarding which I have thought a lot: I think I may have more to say. And, then, when I am inspired to type out some long response to a music forum post, I can copy and tweak that: instant blog post!

I may yet post more in this blog, but I'm leaning towards declaring victory and packing it up. If you've been follwing it for the past couple years, thanks!

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